

Well if murder was legal i would commit a heartbeat on people who neglect and abuse animals,well this story might take a while to write so bare with me.....there are peole in the back of us ,well i knew it was their cat cause i have seen it up in their window over the last couple of years,well i seen people moving out but young adults were still there,and i seen someone and asked if it was their cat cause we couldn't get in our door from the patio cause the cat tried to get in.

The person goes yeah its our friends and they do feed it and let it in at night,so i left it go....well i can tell they weren't feeding it,so i fed it,well weeks went by and the cat never left my patio,so i seen another neighbor and asked if it was her cat and she said no it was the landlords,they left it for his kids to take care of it and i go well aparently they arent cause it hasent left my patio and i have been feeding it and she said she has been too.

So last week the guy says to me i hear you confiscated my cat and i go no it confiscated me,he goes i tried to call her and she wouldn't come to me and im thinking well goof cause you left he goes she probably thinks we abandoned her and im thinking dud you goof.....he goes well i can call her up here but i can't guarantee she'll stay up here,i go no it's fine,i just don't want her to freeze in the winter i can't take her in cause i have 2 already and a gog etc....he goes shes a good cat shes fixed and everything,i would love to but i really can't.

HE said yeah my son seen her get hit by a car 2 mos ago she didn;t get under the tires just the bumper and im thinking you idiot after knowing that you still leave her outside..he said she's outside cause his daughter got 2 dogs and they picked on the cat so they put the litterbox and food outside...what moron puts a litterbox outside?....

We live on a busy road and im afraid she will go down in the traffic,maybe the bumper scared her enough to stay away,it just gets to me to no end when people do this to animals.....our 2nd cat we have we took in 2 yrs ago cause it was a stray that was on our patio.....they must know that when they have no where else to go they will have a safe place here....

well i think that's all for now,trying to stay up and watch womans beach volleyball they are on a rain's supposed to be on a 11pm