So today is brand new like i am starting from scratch and havent lost any weight over the past several years,fresh mindset fresh everything..I started the day out with 4.5 mile run and will get in 2 more cardio sessions plus chest/shoulders/tris. I also realized my eating needs to be cleaner like it used to be cause its not gonna do me any good to bust my butt with all this cardio and have crappy eating since weightloss is about 80% nutrition and 20% not so clean eating is cancelling out all my hard work in cardio and i dont want it cancel it out i want fat loss.
So i am so excited about my first 1/2 marathon that i cant stand it i hae been training for about 2 years for this and i figured my first race should be in the city that i love sooooo much....INDIANAPOLIS and im hoping the medal will be in the shape of a race car hahahha so thats all i got for now i hope everyone keep on keeping on and always keep saying I CAN AND I WILL.
xoxoxo Jenn

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