

Well after long thoughts of what I can do to my w/o's to shake it up.....then it hit me,you burn more calories when you weigh more,so the light came on and I thought of a weighted vest I heard of them but I knew they were pricey.....looked online yesterday and they were still kinda high in price.
So I went to the grocery store yesterday and I was at the animal section and there in the next isle is the clearence items,so I looked just to look you never know what you will find in that stuff,so towards the end there they were the weighted vests,I couldn't believe it.....I wasen't even looking to get one there in the clearence section but I did,and I'm glad cause I was on my way to the exercise section to see if they even carried them......I guess it was meant to be,everything happens for a reason.
Well I just got back from my w/o and OMG I cant even tell you what a difference it made I was so out of started out as a run then turned out to a fast walk cause I couldn't catch my breath.....what a difference those extra pounds are,when you gain weight its gradual so your body adjusts as where this is all at once........WHAT A WORKOUT.
If it does that I might think about wearing all the time,well in the house and w/o that way my body will think it has this weight on for real not just for 90 min.So we will see,well gotta run for now it's time for lunch then watch my soaps and get a routine ready for tonights aeorbics class at 5:30...HAVE A HEALTHY WEEKEND WORLD....WHERE EVER YOU ARE


Karen said...

Hmmm Interesting.... cool I hope it works out for you.. awesome!