Why is there more than one kind of friend?I don't think that aquaintances are friends cause they are people you hardly speak with or people that you never meet just maybe talk online,or see them passing by on the street etc....and there are people who say they consider you a friend but dont include you in anything,and you are the last to know about anything.I think people throw the word friend around like they do love.......i dont think they know what either word means.
I don't think a friendship should be onesided ,on their terms,or when your the last resort cause no one else is around or available.....but then again it's been told to me that i'm goofy and my thinking is stupid so maybe i'm way off base and just read to much into things and analyze way to much but that's not it,i know the way i think about this is right,but i should be used to this by now but it hurts everytime i'm slapped in the face with it......but anyhoooo that's my pitty party for the week gonna get ready for visitors this week and go for a run that always makes me feel 10x better
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