I really need a friend right now......I have noone to turn to,and i'm going out of my mind.....well I will finish this later I'm to freaked out and whatever I write will not make any sense.
Well today is day 3 of P90X,I started mon. did cardio x and chest,shoulders,tris....and when I was done my arms felt heavy but not sore,so I was thinking oh geez nothing....well I wake up tues morning and I can barely lift up my arms,so it worked....wooohoooo.
Alot of the work is push ups many different ways but i dont do as many pu cause they hurt my shoulders,but i did do some and the routines he does with the weights is where i feel it the most.
Tues was plyometrics with a run.....tough tough,today is cardio x w/back and bis,well thats all for now....
Well for those of you who dont know what P90X is its a 90 day program of weights and cardio,stretching and yoga,and its all based on muscle confusion so you dont so happy with this program.........bunches of kisses and huggs to my brother jeff for getting it for me.So anyone who is thinking about getting this program I highly suggest it its so worth it.
I hope everyone has a healthy rest of the week.
Any one who watches bl,is anyone pissed like me?Vicky I swear doesnt deserve to be in the finale............she is there for all the wrong reasons,yeah past contestants gained weight back after they won the money,but their intentions wer there to lose the weight,but her shes been playing the game the whole time and played all the people on the show....if amy wouldve voted her off she wouldnt be there in the first place,but anywho michelles there anyway thank goodness lol but if america puts heba in there she willl win i think cause she still has alot to lose for ed if he didnt want to be there then walk away and let someone else who does want to be there,he is as bad as vicky,when it counted he won the challenges to win money and cars.....and the onther thing that tick me off about the show is it seems like they pick people who already have money and dont need the 250.000 that you win on the show,whats wrong with lowerclass people?They have people that need to lose the weight and need the money too.....ohhhh it just urks me to no end.Well thats all the venting lol got it all out,now im gonna let my breakfy settle and go for day 3
Alot of the work is push ups many different ways but i dont do as many pu cause they hurt my shoulders,but i did do some and the routines he does with the weights is where i feel it the most.
Tues was plyometrics with a run.....tough tough,today is cardio x w/back and bis,well thats all for now....
Well for those of you who dont know what P90X is its a 90 day program of weights and cardio,stretching and yoga,and its all based on muscle confusion so you dont so happy with this program.........bunches of kisses and huggs to my brother jeff for getting it for me.So anyone who is thinking about getting this program I highly suggest it its so worth it.
I hope everyone has a healthy rest of the week.
Any one who watches bl,is anyone pissed like me?Vicky I swear doesnt deserve to be in the finale............she is there for all the wrong reasons,yeah past contestants gained weight back after they won the money,but their intentions wer there to lose the weight,but her shes been playing the game the whole time and played all the people on the show....if amy wouldve voted her off she wouldnt be there in the first place,but anywho michelles there anyway thank goodness lol but if america puts heba in there she willl win i think cause she still has alot to lose for ed if he didnt want to be there then walk away and let someone else who does want to be there,he is as bad as vicky,when it counted he won the challenges to win money and cars.....and the onther thing that tick me off about the show is it seems like they pick people who already have money and dont need the 250.000 that you win on the show,whats wrong with lowerclass people?They have people that need to lose the weight and need the money too.....ohhhh it just urks me to no end.Well thats all the venting lol got it all out,now im gonna let my breakfy settle and go for day 3
Secret Santa
Well when I was in INDY for Thanksgiving we had a secret santa,and well I got the gift that was on my list which was the iron gym,which is a pull up bar......omg I thought with my weight training I could easily do this hahahahahahahaaah much to my surprise it's ALOT harder than it looks on tv.
So I have to use the assistance of a chair lol I CAN'T even to one huuummmmm so it looks like I got ALOT of practing to do,other than that it feels great to be back in my routine of working out and eating clean,I felt a difference right away cause when I was eating junk I was tired all the time there I took naps everyday I felt so sluggish I hated feeling that way,but ill post 2 pics of me and emma baking thanksgiving
eve lol she so sweet I love her to death.... hope I dont scare you all.h
So I have to use the assistance of a chair lol I CAN'T even to one huuummmmm so it looks like I got ALOT of practing to do,other than that it feels great to be back in my routine of working out and eating clean,I felt a difference right away cause when I was eating junk I was tired all the time there I took naps everyday I felt so sluggish I hated feeling that way,but ill post 2 pics of me and emma baking thanksgiving

Well nothings been going on as usual,just getting ready to go to INDY next week for thanksgiving.....I'm gonna start packing today,cause it takes me FOREVER I change my mind all the time hehehehehehe.
I changed my layout as you can see,wanted something fall like even though I wanted a x-mas one but I guess it's kinda early,but I did make a x-mas one for my myspace cause that one takes forever to do,well I guess blogger does too cause you gotta re add pics and everything which is a pain,but myspace is harder.
So I think that is all for now gonna chill out did a hike on the treadmill this morning cause it was raining out and kinda brisk but if it wasent raining I would have prefered the great outdoors.
I hope everyone has a safe,happy,healthy THANKSGIVING DAY.
I changed my layout as you can see,wanted something fall like even though I wanted a x-mas one but I guess it's kinda early,but I did make a x-mas one for my myspace cause that one takes forever to do,well I guess blogger does too cause you gotta re add pics and everything which is a pain,but myspace is harder.
So I think that is all for now gonna chill out did a hike on the treadmill this morning cause it was raining out and kinda brisk but if it wasent raining I would have prefered the great outdoors.
I hope everyone has a safe,happy,healthy THANKSGIVING DAY.
Well after long thoughts of what I can do to my w/o's to shake it up.....then it hit me,you burn more calories when you weigh more,so the light came on and I thought of a weighted vest I heard of them but I knew they were pricey.....looked online yesterday and they were still kinda high in price.
So I went to the grocery store yesterday and I was at the animal section and there in the next isle is the clearence items,so I looked just to look you never know what you will find in that stuff,so towards the end there they were the weighted vests,I couldn't believe it.....I wasen't even looking to get one there in the clearence section but I did,and I'm glad cause I was on my way to the exercise section to see if they even carried them......I guess it was meant to be,everything happens for a reason.
Well I just got back from my w/o and OMG I cant even tell you what a difference it made I was so out of started out as a run then turned out to a fast walk cause I couldn't catch my breath.....what a difference those extra pounds are,when you gain weight its gradual so your body adjusts as where this is all at once........WHAT A WORKOUT.
If it does that I might think about wearing all the time,well in the house and w/o that way my body will think it has this weight on for real not just for 90 min.So we will see,well gotta run for now it's time for lunch then watch my soaps and get a routine ready for tonights aeorbics class at 5:30...HAVE A HEALTHY WEEKEND WORLD....WHERE EVER YOU ARE
So I went to the grocery store yesterday and I was at the animal section and there in the next isle is the clearence items,so I looked just to look you never know what you will find in that stuff,so towards the end there they were the weighted vests,I couldn't believe it.....I wasen't even looking to get one there in the clearence section but I did,and I'm glad cause I was on my way to the exercise section to see if they even carried them......I guess it was meant to be,everything happens for a reason.
Well I just got back from my w/o and OMG I cant even tell you what a difference it made I was so out of started out as a run then turned out to a fast walk cause I couldn't catch my breath.....what a difference those extra pounds are,when you gain weight its gradual so your body adjusts as where this is all at once........WHAT A WORKOUT.
If it does that I might think about wearing all the time,well in the house and w/o that way my body will think it has this weight on for real not just for 90 min.So we will see,well gotta run for now it's time for lunch then watch my soaps and get a routine ready for tonights aeorbics class at 5:30...HAVE A HEALTHY WEEKEND WORLD....WHERE EVER YOU ARE
So this weekend I started looking for a new pair of running shoes,cause my old ones were over a yr old and i was getting blisters over blisters on the pads of my toes.....OUCH. I have to look everywhere cause my feet are funny,they are wide at the top TOM calls them FRED FLINSTONE FEET,but anywho it takes me along time to find shoes,cause all I wear are we go to a few stores and we end up at the shoe dept.they had a few nike but nothing I really liked so the lady goes new balance are good and I go I have never worn anything but nike so.....I tried the nb on and they did feel pretty good so I got them..and I was trying to save alittle money cause nike are alittle pricey.
We get home I never wore them in the house to make sure they would be ok,so I waited til the nexy day which was saturday put them on for my walk with TOM sat morning and I got to the corner of my house and had to come home and change my shoes cause I had a F***** blister already on the back of my heal...OMG was I mad,not one time wearing NIKE shoes ever did I get blisters.
So when we got home I put the shoes in a bag and took them back and told the lady I didn't want them and she asked why and I said I'm a NIKE girl and she goes enough said....I said I tried these nb and there is no comparison to NIKE,so I learned my lesson....
So we decided to go to a few stores on sunday b4 football and we ended up at FAMOUS FOOTWEAR and I found RYKA which I totally love cause they are the brand that I wear when I teach aeorbics class in cause they are alittle higher on the ankle for support.....cause i sprained my ankle pretty bad a few yrs ago....but anywho....they were only walking so I couldn't get them but they were like walking on air,so after an hr of debating and trying on I found a pair of NIKE omg talk about heaven in a shoe,I actually have never heard of this brand of nike b4 all i ever got was nike airmax triax,but these are NIKE AIR PEGASUS and they were worth every penny I spent on them.
So I just got back from my run and I can't even begin to say how much I love these shoes,it was just like heaven in the clouds...heheheheheh
The way my life has been going lately has been shitty...mentally I am a mess I just can't seem to get it together....physically I think I'm good I get my cardio in twice a day and my's just hard for me to explain this feeling that's coming over me lately I hate it, it make me wanna go in a corner and cry my eyes out.
It sucks to when you wanna be in someone's life but they don't have time for you or maybe they just don't want you in their life...either way it just sucks.....I guess it's probably my fault cause I can't keep my mouth shut...but that's not who I am,if something is bothering me or pisses me off I am gonna say something,but then again sometimes it has bitten me right in the butt and i have wished I kept my mouth shut and counted to 100 or something,I do things w/o thinking ALOT but that's just who I am take me or leave me I guess.
But anywho I'm gonna watch a football game, sports always makes me feel better for 3hrs anyway...I hope everyone has a great night and a healthy weekend
MUCH LOVE...JENNIFER;)))))))))))))))
It sucks to when you wanna be in someone's life but they don't have time for you or maybe they just don't want you in their life...either way it just sucks.....I guess it's probably my fault cause I can't keep my mouth shut...but that's not who I am,if something is bothering me or pisses me off I am gonna say something,but then again sometimes it has bitten me right in the butt and i have wished I kept my mouth shut and counted to 100 or something,I do things w/o thinking ALOT but that's just who I am take me or leave me I guess.
But anywho I'm gonna watch a football game, sports always makes me feel better for 3hrs anyway...I hope everyone has a great night and a healthy weekend
MUCH LOVE...JENNIFER;)))))))))))))))
Boy, I joined and i'm so glad i did.....there is so much that site teaches you articles out the butt,so much info i love it heheheheeh thanks c for suggesting it i owe you a lot,well that's all for now folks it's time for monday night football
hope everyone has a healthy week,jennifer;)))))))))))))))
hope everyone has a healthy week,jennifer;)))))))))))))))
I guess no news is good news heheheh not much to report I do the same things day in day out except it's finally football season thank goodness.......I love football and in a few months it's training camp for the lakers woooohoooooo.
Well I think i'm gonna tweek a few things in my diet and workouts so hopefully it will be awesome,these last few are a total BITCH hehehehehehehehe but I will manage somehow.
My brother got me p90x and I think this will be the week that i look at the dvds and give it a go,you have to be in somewhat good condition to even try them so GOD willing I can do them,well peeps thats all for now its time for my therapy session running,i swear theres nothing like it what it does for me is undescribeable,well hope everyone has a healthy weekend.
Well I think i'm gonna tweek a few things in my diet and workouts so hopefully it will be awesome,these last few are a total BITCH hehehehehehehehe but I will manage somehow.
My brother got me p90x and I think this will be the week that i look at the dvds and give it a go,you have to be in somewhat good condition to even try them so GOD willing I can do them,well peeps thats all for now its time for my therapy session running,i swear theres nothing like it what it does for me is undescribeable,well hope everyone has a healthy weekend.
I seen this yesterday and realized how true it is for many reasons....cause alot of time when i w/o I tend to let my mind wonder from what i have to do after my workout,to venting out loud if I'm having a bad day.....but running itself just has such a calming affect for me it's so unreal,but any who I tend to get off subject alot hehehehe I babble alot so here it is.......
So today I tried it when I was weight training and it was really hard hehe,but I did notice a better burn then before,so i guess it is true......great things happen when you attach your mind to your body
I hope everyone has a healthy week
So today I tried it when I was weight training and it was really hard hehe,but I did notice a better burn then before,so i guess it is true......great things happen when you attach your mind to your body
I hope everyone has a healthy week
That is so true,have a healthy week everyone....I know I am
That is so true,have a healthy week everyone....I know I am
Just wanted to give you all an update it's not anything special but mentally and physically I am doing F***N awesome,that's the only way I can put it WOOOHOOOO and it feels great,I left all the past trash out the back door...well gotta run TOM has to go get a nuclear test done,I think it's called a mugga but anywho gotta run
Here are 2 words see if they mean the same to you or if you can come up with something different ro describe the same words....The words are BREATHE and HOPE
So this is a good blog for thought,try it and see what you can come up with,you might find different words that describe you..........
Thanks for reading,hope everyone has a healthy week
So this is a good blog for thought,try it and see what you can come up with,you might find different words that describe you..........
Thanks for reading,hope everyone has a healthy week
Why is there more than one kind of friend?I don't think that aquaintances are friends cause they are people you hardly speak with or people that you never meet just maybe talk online,or see them passing by on the street etc....and there are people who say they consider you a friend but dont include you in anything,and you are the last to know about anything.I think people throw the word friend around like they do love.......i dont think they know what either word means.
I don't think a friendship should be onesided ,on their terms,or when your the last resort cause no one else is around or available.....but then again it's been told to me that i'm goofy and my thinking is stupid so maybe i'm way off base and just read to much into things and analyze way to much but that's not it,i know the way i think about this is right,but i should be used to this by now but it hurts everytime i'm slapped in the face with it......but anyhoooo that's my pitty party for the week gonna get ready for visitors this week and go for a run that always makes me feel 10x better
I don't think a friendship should be onesided ,on their terms,or when your the last resort cause no one else is around or available.....but then again it's been told to me that i'm goofy and my thinking is stupid so maybe i'm way off base and just read to much into things and analyze way to much but that's not it,i know the way i think about this is right,but i should be used to this by now but it hurts everytime i'm slapped in the face with it......but anyhoooo that's my pitty party for the week gonna get ready for visitors this week and go for a run that always makes me feel 10x better
Well if murder was legal i would commit a heartbeat on people who neglect and abuse animals,well this story might take a while to write so bare with me.....there are peole in the back of us ,well i knew it was their cat cause i have seen it up in their window over the last couple of years,well i seen people moving out but young adults were still there,and i seen someone and asked if it was their cat cause we couldn't get in our door from the patio cause the cat tried to get in.
The person goes yeah its our friends and they do feed it and let it in at night,so i left it go....well i can tell they weren't feeding it,so i fed it,well weeks went by and the cat never left my patio,so i seen another neighbor and asked if it was her cat and she said no it was the landlords,they left it for his kids to take care of it and i go well aparently they arent cause it hasent left my patio and i have been feeding it and she said she has been too.
So last week the guy says to me i hear you confiscated my cat and i go no it confiscated me,he goes i tried to call her and she wouldn't come to me and im thinking well goof cause you left he goes she probably thinks we abandoned her and im thinking dud you goof.....he goes well i can call her up here but i can't guarantee she'll stay up here,i go no it's fine,i just don't want her to freeze in the winter i can't take her in cause i have 2 already and a gog etc....he goes shes a good cat shes fixed and everything,i would love to but i really can't.
HE said yeah my son seen her get hit by a car 2 mos ago she didn;t get under the tires just the bumper and im thinking you idiot after knowing that you still leave her outside..he said she's outside cause his daughter got 2 dogs and they picked on the cat so they put the litterbox and food outside...what moron puts a litterbox outside?....
We live on a busy road and im afraid she will go down in the traffic,maybe the bumper scared her enough to stay away,it just gets to me to no end when people do this to animals.....our 2nd cat we have we took in 2 yrs ago cause it was a stray that was on our patio.....they must know that when they have no where else to go they will have a safe place here....
well i think that's all for now,trying to stay up and watch womans beach volleyball they are on a rain's supposed to be on a 11pm
The person goes yeah its our friends and they do feed it and let it in at night,so i left it go....well i can tell they weren't feeding it,so i fed it,well weeks went by and the cat never left my patio,so i seen another neighbor and asked if it was her cat and she said no it was the landlords,they left it for his kids to take care of it and i go well aparently they arent cause it hasent left my patio and i have been feeding it and she said she has been too.
So last week the guy says to me i hear you confiscated my cat and i go no it confiscated me,he goes i tried to call her and she wouldn't come to me and im thinking well goof cause you left he goes she probably thinks we abandoned her and im thinking dud you goof.....he goes well i can call her up here but i can't guarantee she'll stay up here,i go no it's fine,i just don't want her to freeze in the winter i can't take her in cause i have 2 already and a gog etc....he goes shes a good cat shes fixed and everything,i would love to but i really can't.
HE said yeah my son seen her get hit by a car 2 mos ago she didn;t get under the tires just the bumper and im thinking you idiot after knowing that you still leave her outside..he said she's outside cause his daughter got 2 dogs and they picked on the cat so they put the litterbox and food outside...what moron puts a litterbox outside?....
We live on a busy road and im afraid she will go down in the traffic,maybe the bumper scared her enough to stay away,it just gets to me to no end when people do this to animals.....our 2nd cat we have we took in 2 yrs ago cause it was a stray that was on our patio.....they must know that when they have no where else to go they will have a safe place here....
well i think that's all for now,trying to stay up and watch womans beach volleyball they are on a rain's supposed to be on a 11pm
Well the fitness fanatics are back.......incase you dont know that's the name of my fantasy football league heheheheheh,every year we (my family in indy)play through espn,and while eric and them were here we had our draft,on thursday it was supposed to be wed.but eric messed it up heheheheh instead of opening different windows he used tabs and the sessions kept ending and the computer put us on auto was a mess we were screaming at each other omg what a night........but thank goodness my other brother jeff who runs it was able to stop the draft and reset it ,so we had it on thursday,so now we call him tabs heheheheheheh,but i love you eric.
We had a good time,i was supposed to go back with them but at the last minute something came up and i couldn't and i have been sad about that but i think we are going out in sept.and if i can talk tom into going out for thanksgiving too that would be awesome.....but i don't think he will go for it.
Well of course i was a bottomless pit when they are here,i know i gained it never fails but it's monday and im back on track eating junk for 4 days is enough,well we went to a festival and guess who wins an oreo cake....yep me,and tom goes you ate like this awhile ago(a bottomless pit)why do you want to blow all your hard work?and that put what i was doing into perspective.
I'm not gonna put all the blame on eric but when were out and about instead of waiting til we got home to eat he wanted to eat out,and that's hard when your hungry,and even when your out you think your eating healthy and they pollute the good dtuff too,but he didn't put the cake and cookies in my mouth it was just to hard to pass up when it's right in front of you,ya know? But maybe i needed to get al that junk out of my system,I haven't had any of my gluten and dairy free chocolate chips to cut that craving they stop carrying them,so i had to special order them and they are not here yet,so yesterday i went to all our krogers around here and dound them there thank goodness....i got the last 7 bags hehehehehe and they were alot cheaper cause they were on clearence so i was happy about that,if all else fails i have the website to order them online so im good now....
Well i think that's all for now,gotta lot of magazines to catch up on and 2 books to read and i'm so excited,i love to read health books etc...and my emma starts school..good luck punky i love you
We had a good time,i was supposed to go back with them but at the last minute something came up and i couldn't and i have been sad about that but i think we are going out in sept.and if i can talk tom into going out for thanksgiving too that would be awesome.....but i don't think he will go for it.
Well of course i was a bottomless pit when they are here,i know i gained it never fails but it's monday and im back on track eating junk for 4 days is enough,well we went to a festival and guess who wins an oreo cake....yep me,and tom goes you ate like this awhile ago(a bottomless pit)why do you want to blow all your hard work?and that put what i was doing into perspective.
I'm not gonna put all the blame on eric but when were out and about instead of waiting til we got home to eat he wanted to eat out,and that's hard when your hungry,and even when your out you think your eating healthy and they pollute the good dtuff too,but he didn't put the cake and cookies in my mouth it was just to hard to pass up when it's right in front of you,ya know? But maybe i needed to get al that junk out of my system,I haven't had any of my gluten and dairy free chocolate chips to cut that craving they stop carrying them,so i had to special order them and they are not here yet,so yesterday i went to all our krogers around here and dound them there thank goodness....i got the last 7 bags hehehehehe and they were alot cheaper cause they were on clearence so i was happy about that,if all else fails i have the website to order them online so im good now....
Well i think that's all for now,gotta lot of magazines to catch up on and 2 books to read and i'm so excited,i love to read health books etc...and my emma starts school..good luck punky i love you
Here is my neice emma doing her cheering.....she joined this year,im so proud of her i cant wait to see her next week woohoo,can i get a what what.
much love everyone
Finally my babies are coming next week,im sooooooooooooo excited can't wait.I talked to emma on the phone and she kept saying how excited she is to get here,and she wanted to talk to the animals so i had to meow and bark to mock the animals like they were talking back to her and answering her questions.....shes such a doll.
So we will do all sorts of things while they are here,emma and i love to do crafts...
I guess she informed my brother that she will take a bus like i do when i go there lol and when she is older she will ride her bike her all by herself.....hahaahahaha.
Well i think thats it besides being in super strict mode,well im always in strict mode but i really cut down more,everything is all measured out and in bags so there is no little cheats like alittle over 1/2c of cereal etc.Im so hound and determined and it will be hard when they are eating pizza,but not really cause i can get it anytime here(the best pizza in the world comes from here its won awards and everything)so i wanna be at goal by the end of summer,and when i get there i think i will be ok cause im good at maintaining cause i have done it before,theres been a yr where i didnt lose any weight,some say its harder for them to maintain but for me i think it will be a piece of cake.
Well peeps i think thats all for now,i hope everyone has a healhty week-end
So we will do all sorts of things while they are here,emma and i love to do crafts...
I guess she informed my brother that she will take a bus like i do when i go there lol and when she is older she will ride her bike her all by herself.....hahaahahaha.
Well i think thats it besides being in super strict mode,well im always in strict mode but i really cut down more,everything is all measured out and in bags so there is no little cheats like alittle over 1/2c of cereal etc.Im so hound and determined and it will be hard when they are eating pizza,but not really cause i can get it anytime here(the best pizza in the world comes from here its won awards and everything)so i wanna be at goal by the end of summer,and when i get there i think i will be ok cause im good at maintaining cause i have done it before,theres been a yr where i didnt lose any weight,some say its harder for them to maintain but for me i think it will be a piece of cake.
Well peeps i think thats all for now,i hope everyone has a healhty week-end
Woo hoo so excited after months and months of being on hold and not getting in,i finally did yay........She answered my weight lifting and bmr questions,im on cloud 9 boy there was alot more i could ask but we got cut short cause she went to a break....
Well it's time to vent my frustrations AGAIN,lol....well we started the paint on my workout room,and alittle mad cause the back wall and ceiling are a bamboo shade and the wall has 2 coats and needs another and the ceiling has 1 and needs another,and we haven't even started the summer yellow on the other walls yet omg.
Well yesterday we pulled up the carpet cause it was old and didn't match the colors i picked out,and i remember when we bought the house she said the whole house was real hardwood floors,she got tired of them so she layed we pulled up a corner to see and it was beautiful,so i was on my hands and knooes all night last night cleaning it up,and roughing it up so the polish would stick better...well the stuff i got didn't work after all that so after we finish painting tomorrow,wait a few hrs,while the paint dries we are gonna run to lowes and get the wall mount for my tv and a mat for my treadmill etc....then hang everything up on the walls,cause once we resand the floor and add the polyurathene to the floor,you cant walk on it for 24hrs,and cant lay stuff for which means i cant use my treadmill im gonna have to run outside in the heat or ride my bike on the trail,and ill do my weights out in the living room,cause everything else is in my lighthouse room......GOSH.
So thats what my day consisted of,and what tomorrow consists of,I can go in there and do something but my legs are so tired from standing all day its even made my lower back hurt like a mother,so i think i will finish the last 3 loads of laundry then go to bed and get up early and start while toms working in the morning,he leaves at 5am so i think i can get the bamboo coats on while he's working.
Well yesterday we pulled up the carpet cause it was old and didn't match the colors i picked out,and i remember when we bought the house she said the whole house was real hardwood floors,she got tired of them so she layed we pulled up a corner to see and it was beautiful,so i was on my hands and knooes all night last night cleaning it up,and roughing it up so the polish would stick better...well the stuff i got didn't work after all that so after we finish painting tomorrow,wait a few hrs,while the paint dries we are gonna run to lowes and get the wall mount for my tv and a mat for my treadmill etc....then hang everything up on the walls,cause once we resand the floor and add the polyurathene to the floor,you cant walk on it for 24hrs,and cant lay stuff for which means i cant use my treadmill im gonna have to run outside in the heat or ride my bike on the trail,and ill do my weights out in the living room,cause everything else is in my lighthouse room......GOSH.
So thats what my day consisted of,and what tomorrow consists of,I can go in there and do something but my legs are so tired from standing all day its even made my lower back hurt like a mother,so i think i will finish the last 3 loads of laundry then go to bed and get up early and start while toms working in the morning,he leaves at 5am so i think i can get the bamboo coats on while he's working.
WOW what a day,it's been raining for 3 days straight and steady yuck.....but at least it gives us time to get the rest of the rooms painted.I went today to sears to get the paint for my w/o room and i am so excited i looooove the 2 colors.I finally got the rest of the stuff out of my lighthouse room so we can finish it......
Not really anything else new just getting my house in order taking down curtains and washing down walls i am anal about that i hate a dirty house heheheh it drives me crazy.........and im loony now cause all my stuff is all jammed in my w/o room and its cluttered uuurg,but a few more days and it will be back to normal til we start on my w/o room,but it will all be worth it in the end,my lighthouse room is my little escape and now it will be even better cause it will be painted the way i want since it hasent been painted since we bought our house 6yrs ago.
Well world that's all for now that's what my weekend will consists of i will post pics when we are all done wooohoooo,can i get a what what
much love
Not really anything else new just getting my house in order taking down curtains and washing down walls i am anal about that i hate a dirty house heheheh it drives me crazy.........and im loony now cause all my stuff is all jammed in my w/o room and its cluttered uuurg,but a few more days and it will be back to normal til we start on my w/o room,but it will all be worth it in the end,my lighthouse room is my little escape and now it will be even better cause it will be painted the way i want since it hasent been painted since we bought our house 6yrs ago.
Well world that's all for now that's what my weekend will consists of i will post pics when we are all done wooohoooo,can i get a what what
much love
What A Day
Today was a busy day it started with my morning workout which was way longer than i expected lol it's like I completely lost track of time,i did my weights then my run and before i knew it i was 90 min i figured i better stop. Something just comes over me when i run i completely let myself go into all directions cause it's when i do all my thinking.
So i finished up, drank my shake while i watched my soap then i realized i needed to take my deposit to the bank,so i put on my shoes and clothes and walked up to the bank,it's in walking distance so why drive and waste gas when i can walk and burn calories?heheheh i'm always thinking about burning calories,i burn calories thinking about burning calories hahahahaah so anyway after my walk i wasen't done i hit the cabinets cleaned them out cause i hate clutter,things have to be in order it drives me NUTS,then i started on the garage which i will finish tomorrow cause toms tools are all over the place,he is such a pack rat ,it takes him forever to go through his stuff,when i get tired of asking i just do it myself and he doesn't even notice when i throw his stuff away cause he has so much junk lol.
So when i want something done i take it upon myself to do it,cause i hate things being messy.......well i think im done jabbering for tonight,im gonna finish my project im making for my brother,finish my cappi then go to bed cause the garage will be an all day thing plus i will have to get my run exercise always comes first.
have a great healthy weekend everyone
So i finished up, drank my shake while i watched my soap then i realized i needed to take my deposit to the bank,so i put on my shoes and clothes and walked up to the bank,it's in walking distance so why drive and waste gas when i can walk and burn calories?heheheh i'm always thinking about burning calories,i burn calories thinking about burning calories hahahahaah so anyway after my walk i wasen't done i hit the cabinets cleaned them out cause i hate clutter,things have to be in order it drives me NUTS,then i started on the garage which i will finish tomorrow cause toms tools are all over the place,he is such a pack rat ,it takes him forever to go through his stuff,when i get tired of asking i just do it myself and he doesn't even notice when i throw his stuff away cause he has so much junk lol.
So when i want something done i take it upon myself to do it,cause i hate things being messy.......well i think im done jabbering for tonight,im gonna finish my project im making for my brother,finish my cappi then go to bed cause the garage will be an all day thing plus i will have to get my run exercise always comes first.
have a great healthy weekend everyone
Well over the weekend I finally got my bosu,i have been wanting one for like ever but never got one cause they are kinda pricey and even if they are on sale...well needless to say it was on sale and a bit cheaper than that so i couldn't pass it up and tom said go ahead it will be one of your christmas presents,so i said ok.
Well let me tell you i hurt in places i didn't know exsisted,and for the most part i thought i was getting alot of places with squats and lunges well let me tell you not a shot hehehehe,i have been doing the basic stuff it came with a dvd and im gonna watch it tonight cause of course there is nothing on during summer time tv,i havent really done alot of core on it yet,but you work it anyway by trying to balance yourself doing the other exercises lol but i love it alot i am so glad i got i think my workout room is pretty much equiped with the stuff you see at the gym except fot the other big machines which is no big deal cause i only use the treadmill there anyway.......i like free weights,bands and balls the best, some machines at the gym i use for my legs only when i wanna switch things up cause when i run i use alot of muscle i just wanted to tell everyone who was thinking about getting a bosu go ahead and get it it's so worth the money.....
I hope everyone has a nice healthy week
Well let me tell you i hurt in places i didn't know exsisted,and for the most part i thought i was getting alot of places with squats and lunges well let me tell you not a shot hehehehe,i have been doing the basic stuff it came with a dvd and im gonna watch it tonight cause of course there is nothing on during summer time tv,i havent really done alot of core on it yet,but you work it anyway by trying to balance yourself doing the other exercises lol but i love it alot i am so glad i got i think my workout room is pretty much equiped with the stuff you see at the gym except fot the other big machines which is no big deal cause i only use the treadmill there anyway.......i like free weights,bands and balls the best, some machines at the gym i use for my legs only when i wanna switch things up cause when i run i use alot of muscle i just wanted to tell everyone who was thinking about getting a bosu go ahead and get it it's so worth the money.....
I hope everyone has a nice healthy week
Well i have done alot of thinking today about my life,and come to the conclusion that i have to stop wondering about everything,analyzing it thinking did this happen because of this or because of that,what if i did this or said that would it have changed the outcome.
I have always thought that when someone did something it was because of me,thinking i said or done something to make them mad at me,i have always taken things to heart,i take things very personally,don't know why i do but i am working on it.........maybe because so many people have shit on me,i dont trust them and everytime someone says something i always second guess them in my mind thinking are they telling me the truth or am i just being gullable?
Needless to say i think deep down i don't trust anyone but myself........i think honesty is the best key,if its hurtful i would rather hear it then going around the bush or telling me what they think i wanna hear..............the smallest little things like that hurt my feelings,wish they didn't but they do.
Sometimes i wonder if it's all worth it......the feeling of hurt is the worse pain in the whole entire world,you can talk about the hurt and what bothers you,but it doesn't always mean you get the answers your looking for,rather it be them spareing your feelings or just plain lieing to either way your screwed,cause you don't know if your getting the truth or not,or your mind having you overanalyzing everything,and having you just wondering.
I wish i can just blirt everything out but i can't cause it would hurt alot of people and that's not what i am about,just writing it helps alot of the frustration,so i will avoid the hurtful things and the truth would only be denied anyway by the way of excuses or putting the stuff on me so this way saves alot of anger and frustration.So needless to say this summer i am gonna work on me,not taking things so personal,no ASS kissing and no over analyzing....take things with a grain of salt.
I just feel somethimes like the way people feel about me is out of sight out of mind,well i think i am done and i dont wanna keep talking in circles,but i feel like a million pounds has been lifted off my shoulders...
I have always thought that when someone did something it was because of me,thinking i said or done something to make them mad at me,i have always taken things to heart,i take things very personally,don't know why i do but i am working on it.........maybe because so many people have shit on me,i dont trust them and everytime someone says something i always second guess them in my mind thinking are they telling me the truth or am i just being gullable?
Needless to say i think deep down i don't trust anyone but myself........i think honesty is the best key,if its hurtful i would rather hear it then going around the bush or telling me what they think i wanna hear..............the smallest little things like that hurt my feelings,wish they didn't but they do.
Sometimes i wonder if it's all worth it......the feeling of hurt is the worse pain in the whole entire world,you can talk about the hurt and what bothers you,but it doesn't always mean you get the answers your looking for,rather it be them spareing your feelings or just plain lieing to either way your screwed,cause you don't know if your getting the truth or not,or your mind having you overanalyzing everything,and having you just wondering.
I wish i can just blirt everything out but i can't cause it would hurt alot of people and that's not what i am about,just writing it helps alot of the frustration,so i will avoid the hurtful things and the truth would only be denied anyway by the way of excuses or putting the stuff on me so this way saves alot of anger and frustration.So needless to say this summer i am gonna work on me,not taking things so personal,no ASS kissing and no over analyzing....take things with a grain of salt.
I just feel somethimes like the way people feel about me is out of sight out of mind,well i think i am done and i dont wanna keep talking in circles,but i feel like a million pounds has been lifted off my shoulders...
Well it's storming so there is no directv so i will watch a couple of movies that i rented and just chill out.......and that's all she wrote for me
A contemplation and a realization
I was running this morning this song came on and got me thinking about me as a person and my weightloss journey.....the song was I wanna know what love is by wynonna,and as the lyrics were playing i started thinking that while i was fat i was so mad at the world like it was the worlds fault that i was overweight......I never wanted to go anywhere cause no clothes fit I lived in sweat pants and pj pants,and when we did go somewhere i felt like people were looking at me and talking about me.....well to a point I guess thinking to themselves or someone else saying wow look at her she needs to do something about her weight she looks terrible.
I was in such a shell and had a wall up,and so mean to people cause I was afraid of getting hurt,and it turns out I was hurting myself w/ food and not letting anyone get close to me.I guess when i look in the mirror I don't see a different person,cause I look at my arms and think all I am doing and they aren't toning up,and my apron is still there,but I am gonna keep more of the song kept playing it had me thinking more that all that I am doing w/ food and working out it's not about like it was before i gotta do all this to get this weight off and in the back of my mind thinking well if I lose this weight I can eat junk's more about now that this is my life it's no longer a diet it's my lifestyle......and how I am gonna live from now on,when I don't w/o there's alittle guilt but I know I need a days rest so I can be better for the rest of the weeks w/o's.
I have noticed that with the weight loss my self esteem has improved,I don't think that everyone's out to get me lol like I thought before,and I wanna go out and do things,but now I have no clothes really to wear,w/ more weight to lose I don't wanna waste money on clothes that in a few weeks or months I won't be able to wear,so I don't wanna throw that monet I bought cheap tank tops at walmart that stretch so i can get a long time out of them,and it was raining last weekend and cold TOM and I went to the cemetary and it was to cold to wear ttops go figure so i had to wear a sweatshirt heheheheh,so I am glad w/ this weightloss I am in large tops some are mediums pants are larges in w/o clothes and plain shorts but jeans are iffy .
Well thats enough babbling for tonight once I start talking I can't stop.....I have turned into a blabbermouth I love to talk just can't shut up lol lol lol....but anyway I am gonna go cause the LAKERS are getting ready to come on and if we win we go to the finals,if not then there will be a game 7 in LA and we would definately need that one to go to the finals so wish us luck everyone
much love all,jenn
I was in such a shell and had a wall up,and so mean to people cause I was afraid of getting hurt,and it turns out I was hurting myself w/ food and not letting anyone get close to me.I guess when i look in the mirror I don't see a different person,cause I look at my arms and think all I am doing and they aren't toning up,and my apron is still there,but I am gonna keep more of the song kept playing it had me thinking more that all that I am doing w/ food and working out it's not about like it was before i gotta do all this to get this weight off and in the back of my mind thinking well if I lose this weight I can eat junk's more about now that this is my life it's no longer a diet it's my lifestyle......and how I am gonna live from now on,when I don't w/o there's alittle guilt but I know I need a days rest so I can be better for the rest of the weeks w/o's.
I have noticed that with the weight loss my self esteem has improved,I don't think that everyone's out to get me lol like I thought before,and I wanna go out and do things,but now I have no clothes really to wear,w/ more weight to lose I don't wanna waste money on clothes that in a few weeks or months I won't be able to wear,so I don't wanna throw that monet I bought cheap tank tops at walmart that stretch so i can get a long time out of them,and it was raining last weekend and cold TOM and I went to the cemetary and it was to cold to wear ttops go figure so i had to wear a sweatshirt heheheheh,so I am glad w/ this weightloss I am in large tops some are mediums pants are larges in w/o clothes and plain shorts but jeans are iffy .
Well thats enough babbling for tonight once I start talking I can't stop.....I have turned into a blabbermouth I love to talk just can't shut up lol lol lol....but anyway I am gonna go cause the LAKERS are getting ready to come on and if we win we go to the finals,if not then there will be a game 7 in LA and we would definately need that one to go to the finals so wish us luck everyone
much love all,jenn
Well it's friday again and nothing new to report if you will......well besides it's the playoffs in basketball and my LAKERS are in WOOOOHOOOOO,and they are back in utah for game 3 and i am so excited.
2 more weeks roughly I will be in georgia visiting KAREN,so excited i can't wait,we will have so much fun,we had a blast last yr.,i can't believe it's been a yr.already,and sunday is mothers day and I am alittle upset because my mom is dead and I don't wanna go to the cemetary,but I will and I get to visit my gram and pap also which they are right above my mom,and they pretty much raised me growing up........and I will not go into the whole situation,let's just say it will be a rough day for me.
My trip to indy I was worried about because my body finally was in a losing streak and I was afraid that if I went because of the different atmosphere and stuff it would completely throw me off......and it did,I did good with my food which I knew i would it was the working out I knew would be trouble and it did....well like always everytime i go there i get sick and i did,so that for one I didn't feel like working out cause it was a chest cold or sinus did get one day in before I was sick,and when i weighed in it showed a gain which was weird cause i waas only there for 2 days b4 i weighed in so i knew with my food there was no way i over ate,so not sure what was up w/ that.
Then my week started again w/ thursday and by then i was blown out sick so i knew when i weighed in at home it was probably water retention from being sick and 1 day of eating 1700 cal would not do that much damage and i was only up 4oz so i guess that's not bad for 2 weeks......and i will know more by this thursday's weigh in,if i am down alot then i know it was really water retention from being sick and the different atmosphere,but if there's not a big loss then i know i did worse then i thought.....that's why I don't like doing anything different then what my body is used to like going out of town especially when my body is on a roll cause i have learned how to read my body and listen to it so i get afraid cause i know it will take forever to get it back on a losing streak again....and i hope and pray it starts right away......I know our body needs a break but for me a week is to long a day here and there is ok but my body is so touchy it's so weird I think I am an exception to all the rules......LOL,LOL,WELL I think that's enough babbling about my weight issues but once I start I can't stop.....well everyone it's time to sign off for tonight it's almost 9 and the LAKERS will be on and i wanna watch pre game.....I can't help it I love football and basketball I am in heaven when these 2 sports are on.......
2 more weeks roughly I will be in georgia visiting KAREN,so excited i can't wait,we will have so much fun,we had a blast last yr.,i can't believe it's been a yr.already,and sunday is mothers day and I am alittle upset because my mom is dead and I don't wanna go to the cemetary,but I will and I get to visit my gram and pap also which they are right above my mom,and they pretty much raised me growing up........and I will not go into the whole situation,let's just say it will be a rough day for me.
My trip to indy I was worried about because my body finally was in a losing streak and I was afraid that if I went because of the different atmosphere and stuff it would completely throw me off......and it did,I did good with my food which I knew i would it was the working out I knew would be trouble and it did....well like always everytime i go there i get sick and i did,so that for one I didn't feel like working out cause it was a chest cold or sinus did get one day in before I was sick,and when i weighed in it showed a gain which was weird cause i waas only there for 2 days b4 i weighed in so i knew with my food there was no way i over ate,so not sure what was up w/ that.
Then my week started again w/ thursday and by then i was blown out sick so i knew when i weighed in at home it was probably water retention from being sick and 1 day of eating 1700 cal would not do that much damage and i was only up 4oz so i guess that's not bad for 2 weeks......and i will know more by this thursday's weigh in,if i am down alot then i know it was really water retention from being sick and the different atmosphere,but if there's not a big loss then i know i did worse then i thought.....that's why I don't like doing anything different then what my body is used to like going out of town especially when my body is on a roll cause i have learned how to read my body and listen to it so i get afraid cause i know it will take forever to get it back on a losing streak again....and i hope and pray it starts right away......I know our body needs a break but for me a week is to long a day here and there is ok but my body is so touchy it's so weird I think I am an exception to all the rules......LOL,LOL,WELL I think that's enough babbling about my weight issues but once I start I can't stop.....well everyone it's time to sign off for tonight it's almost 9 and the LAKERS will be on and i wanna watch pre game.....I can't help it I love football and basketball I am in heaven when these 2 sports are on.......
Well I am here visiting my family and as usual I am sick as a dog,it happens everytime I go to INDIANAPOLIS,not sure if it's the change in weather,or something in this I went and got more medicine,and gonna try the airborne stuff i see on brother goes here try some v-c so I took one and it's supposed to help so I think I am gonna take this on a regular basis since i am going to GEORGIA in a few weeks I don't wanna be sick there like I was last year,but I was already sick it wasen't the weather there thank goodness.
So any who I am gonna go to bed early tonight and hopefully sleep a good bit and rest my body,we are having a cookout tomorrow on my last day here so i wanna be well rested,and not all stuffed up and coughing my head off,so that's all I have been up to,so I hope everyone has a great sat. night and sunday......muah xoxoxoxoxox
So any who I am gonna go to bed early tonight and hopefully sleep a good bit and rest my body,we are having a cookout tomorrow on my last day here so i wanna be well rested,and not all stuffed up and coughing my head off,so that's all I have been up to,so I hope everyone has a great sat. night and sunday......muah xoxoxoxoxox
Well it's been the same ol same ol....eating healthy and working out like a phene,it's basketball season,well the playoffs and my LAKERS are in wooohooooo,I am going to INDY this coming monday for a week I miss my family so much and there have been 3 new additions to our family my brother ERIC just had baby LUCAS ,my other brother JEFF had CHRISTIAN,and my sister NICOLE had baby CARTER so needless to say i will have my hands full and i can't forget my EMMA.
Also I am so excited cause in less than 1 month I will be going back down to GEORGIA to visit my BFF KAREN I cant believe it has been a yr.since i was down there it was such a blast,and I promised her we would not eat tofu all week hahahaahahahaha,she is sooooooooo funny.
I already have most of my clothes picked out for my trip,I like to plan ahead cause I always change my mind on clothes,so for the most part i am pretty much ready cause the weather there will be nicer than here so it will be shorts and tank tops and maybe a pair of jeans we will see...well I think that's it for me,my 2 trips for the summer so stoked and excited I can't stand it....
Also I am so excited cause in less than 1 month I will be going back down to GEORGIA to visit my BFF KAREN I cant believe it has been a yr.since i was down there it was such a blast,and I promised her we would not eat tofu all week hahahaahahahaha,she is sooooooooo funny.
I already have most of my clothes picked out for my trip,I like to plan ahead cause I always change my mind on clothes,so for the most part i am pretty much ready cause the weather there will be nicer than here so it will be shorts and tank tops and maybe a pair of jeans we will see...well I think that's it for me,my 2 trips for the summer so stoked and excited I can't stand it....
Finally At Last
Finally at last I think I finally found what works for me,after trying out things that other people have done because they had success at it,and i figured if it worked for them it would for me right?well most of the time no.I just think my body takes awhile to get used to certain things especially food,since i have given up alot of stuff that i used to eat (wheat,gluten,dairy,to name a few)that i thought was healthy,and for most they were ,but for me they seemed to slow me down more,it seemed to be that if it was processed my body couldn't metabolize it,so it sored it.
I do have some thoughts that i would like to have pizza,or some cake and ice cream,but I am afraid since my body is responding so well of how i am eating,I don't want to throw my body for a loop and eat some of that stuff,cause i know how long it will take me to get back on track,well not track just my body to adjust to not having processed things.Maybe after a hard workout this weekend i can treat to a couple pieces of pizza,that way the refined carbs will start the recovery process,so my body will burn it not store it.
So I am gonna still do the 2x a day workouts for another week or so,to still shock my body,then see if I still lose on a weekly basis and if I don't then i will go back to the 2x a day til i reach my goal,then i know what it takes to maintain,cause after all until recently I stayed the same weight all of 2007.
I can't believe how my body is responding,and I am so glad,I guess it is true you have to try new things until you find what works for you,it is upsetting cause 2007 I tried everything under the sun,because I wasen't losing,and i figured there's something I am missing,even though I am eating healthy and working out,somethings just not adding up,so that's when I decided I have to change the way I am eating,so i did and look at me now WOOOHOOO.
I hear people say when they lost weight they got their life back, and I understand that cause when your overweight you hate yourself,and can't do things everyone else does,and for me I never wanted to leave the house,and i wore p.j. pants out everywhere cause I didn't like the way I looked and felt in clothes,etc....I think for me losing weight has left me wanting to live my life....
I do have some thoughts that i would like to have pizza,or some cake and ice cream,but I am afraid since my body is responding so well of how i am eating,I don't want to throw my body for a loop and eat some of that stuff,cause i know how long it will take me to get back on track,well not track just my body to adjust to not having processed things.Maybe after a hard workout this weekend i can treat to a couple pieces of pizza,that way the refined carbs will start the recovery process,so my body will burn it not store it.
So I am gonna still do the 2x a day workouts for another week or so,to still shock my body,then see if I still lose on a weekly basis and if I don't then i will go back to the 2x a day til i reach my goal,then i know what it takes to maintain,cause after all until recently I stayed the same weight all of 2007.
I can't believe how my body is responding,and I am so glad,I guess it is true you have to try new things until you find what works for you,it is upsetting cause 2007 I tried everything under the sun,because I wasen't losing,and i figured there's something I am missing,even though I am eating healthy and working out,somethings just not adding up,so that's when I decided I have to change the way I am eating,so i did and look at me now WOOOHOOO.
I hear people say when they lost weight they got their life back, and I understand that cause when your overweight you hate yourself,and can't do things everyone else does,and for me I never wanted to leave the house,and i wore p.j. pants out everywhere cause I didn't like the way I looked and felt in clothes,etc....I think for me losing weight has left me wanting to live my life....
Well I haven't blogged in awhile,because there really isn't to much to life is so boring I do the same thing day in and day out,so let's think about what's new this week,I increased my cardio to 2x a day to maybe get another jump start from a few weeks ago when i lost 4lbs in a week,cause 2 weeks went by and no loss,but i did realize when i looked at the numbers my body fat % went down 3% in last weeks weigh in,so that's a plus.
Which means i lost body fat gained muscle,muscle weighs more than fat,and since i lost body fat the muscle took up that extra room which is why the scale hasen't moved in 2 weeks,but my clothes fit alittle different,my body moves so slow,and plateaus so easily that i have to constantly change things up and sometimes i run out of things to do,I remember my friend Karen would say i ate all day and didn't gain a pound or just gained one from all day and i wondered omg how is that possible,when i eat i gain 3lbs from food but by morning it all equals out....but now i realize how that's possible,it's weight training and reving up your metabolism,because i have noticed since i increased my weight training and adding running to my routine,it's like my metabolism is in high gear,when i check my weight through out the day,even w/ all the water i drink,my weight is only up a pound by the end of the day,and when i wake up the next day I have a loss.
Karen has helped me so much in my journey helped me get through alot of my plateaus,i owe her so much,I tell her all the time she was meant to come into my life for some reason,and i am so glad we have met and become such good friends,I just wish we lived alot closer.
I am so excited to get to go back down to visit her in May,and hopefully sometime she can come up here to visit me in my world.
Throwing in the towel
Well yesterday i was so ready to throw in the towel,i seriously had no more fight left in me....this weight is just taking over my life it's all i think about,i am one who gets excited to step on the scale and see if all my hard work pays off....and when i step on and nothing it just brings me so far down i dont wanna get up,but i think about how i feel after i exercise and there's no feeling like it,it just makes everything seem so light.....
After all there are worse things in this world,it is true when you have such a minor amount of weight to lose it is a different animal and has to be treated like one,the first 80lbs did come off like a piece of cake and it's depressing to have a whole yr pass and lose like is so heartbreaking.....and those 4 came last week,and this week's weigh in was so upsetting i did the same as i did to lose the 4 and noda,well today when i weighed in the scale moved again,like it did when i lost 4lbs......i weigh in daily to keep myself on track and thats how i know im on the right track with the 2lbs gone this morning,so if the scale constantly goes down some here and there everyday it all adds up to a nice loss for next thursday.
So GOD willing and his strength to get me through my tough workouts and cravings(which haven't been there,cause i have my sugar levels straight,and no self sabotage)i think i can be at my goal by summer.So i think i'm gonna keep my running and weights the same til i stay the same for 2 weeks or 3 then i will switch it up and adjust my calories.
After all there are worse things in this world,it is true when you have such a minor amount of weight to lose it is a different animal and has to be treated like one,the first 80lbs did come off like a piece of cake and it's depressing to have a whole yr pass and lose like is so heartbreaking.....and those 4 came last week,and this week's weigh in was so upsetting i did the same as i did to lose the 4 and noda,well today when i weighed in the scale moved again,like it did when i lost 4lbs......i weigh in daily to keep myself on track and thats how i know im on the right track with the 2lbs gone this morning,so if the scale constantly goes down some here and there everyday it all adds up to a nice loss for next thursday.
So GOD willing and his strength to get me through my tough workouts and cravings(which haven't been there,cause i have my sugar levels straight,and no self sabotage)i think i can be at my goal by summer.So i think i'm gonna keep my running and weights the same til i stay the same for 2 weeks or 3 then i will switch it up and adjust my calories.
Easter Sunday
Well it's really just another sunday for me,(besides what easter means) I am with no family and friends for another holiday so i am so i will spend it with my treadmill and the tv.
So i will make a ham dinner for Tom and turkey cutlets for me since I also gave up pork,so maybe i will bake some sweet potato fries in the oven with some vegys......been doing really good with food and exercise,I think after my breakfast settles i will go workout and get it done so i can start Toms easter dinner so he can eat around 2 or so.
Well there is really not much to say i am really boring.... Iam glad to be alive but my life is boring and sucks most of the time.
So i hope everyone enjoys their day,and has a happy easter
So i will make a ham dinner for Tom and turkey cutlets for me since I also gave up pork,so maybe i will bake some sweet potato fries in the oven with some vegys......been doing really good with food and exercise,I think after my breakfast settles i will go workout and get it done so i can start Toms easter dinner so he can eat around 2 or so.
Well there is really not much to say i am really boring.... Iam glad to be alive but my life is boring and sucks most of the time.
So i hope everyone enjoys their day,and has a happy easter
Tricks of the brain
Why is it that the brain literally has a mind of it's own?It literally tries to sabotage all your hard work......the last few days my brain has been saying it sure has been along tima since we had cake,and pizza,and of course it's been saying that cause i have been on an awesome streak lately woooooohooooooo,i think my body has decided to give in and let go.
I changed a few things around and feel really good about what have done and been doing,i never realized that i wasen't eating as clean as i thought i was,nothing out of a box,if i can't pronounce it i don't eat it,and i think my body is thanking me for it.
I think the body has a set point where it's really comfortable and at a happy state cause i notice when i start to go down in weight my hunger increases and next thing you know the scale is back up again,that happened the other day after my workout i had my shake and after that no matter what i ate i was hungry,and i think my body was fighting weightloss my making feel and think i was hungry cause it didn't want me to lose it wanted me to after i realized that i fought it big time and since then it hasen't happened again since then,and i think i broke that set point cause now things are going GREAT.
The past few weeks i have really started to listen to my body and really pay attention to how it acts towards different things,food and exercise....upping the heart rate and intensity has helped a great deal along with the clean eating.....
I changed a few things around and feel really good about what have done and been doing,i never realized that i wasen't eating as clean as i thought i was,nothing out of a box,if i can't pronounce it i don't eat it,and i think my body is thanking me for it.
I think the body has a set point where it's really comfortable and at a happy state cause i notice when i start to go down in weight my hunger increases and next thing you know the scale is back up again,that happened the other day after my workout i had my shake and after that no matter what i ate i was hungry,and i think my body was fighting weightloss my making feel and think i was hungry cause it didn't want me to lose it wanted me to after i realized that i fought it big time and since then it hasen't happened again since then,and i think i broke that set point cause now things are going GREAT.
The past few weeks i have really started to listen to my body and really pay attention to how it acts towards different things,food and exercise....upping the heart rate and intensity has helped a great deal along with the clean eating.....
Just another sunday
Well it's sunday already......nothing really going on,sitting here watching basketball the LAKERS of course......todays been a good day of exercise and food,just debating to do weights tonight or not,maybe tomorrow before cardio.
I like being home alone sometimes but i'm alone m-f 7am-4:45pm,and sometimes it's to much to be home alone on the weekends too,Tom is at his echure party for the season so who knows what time he will be home,so i guess i will just watch tv and mess around on the puter and maybe chat alittle.
Well thats all for tonight i guess,not much really to say i'm kinda boring hehehehe
I like being home alone sometimes but i'm alone m-f 7am-4:45pm,and sometimes it's to much to be home alone on the weekends too,Tom is at his echure party for the season so who knows what time he will be home,so i guess i will just watch tv and mess around on the puter and maybe chat alittle.
Well thats all for tonight i guess,not much really to say i'm kinda boring hehehehe
Well today is a blah day,it's raining and kinda chilly.....which is why i am glad i have a treadmill so i don't miss a workout because of the weather.
I was so excited when tom gave me my new hr monitor(it's a polar f6) yesterday,i have a different one but it just gives my hr and that's it,i never knew how many calories i was burning or anything,my treadmill counts calories but its like most treadmills it's based on a 150lb person which i am NOT .I was shocked to see the difference in calories from my hr monitor(which i have to add my personal info like height,weight,age,etc.)to the treadmill it was like 60 cal difference the treadmill had me more.....which is an upset cause i was gauging my progress by that and add those calories up everyday for 7 days can add up to a gain YIKES.
So now i know i have to kick up my workouts to get those extra calories off,and with my hr monitor it adds all the calories from the workouts and gives the % of fat from the calories which is nice to see let me tell you lol......I think tom got tired of hearing me say i wish i knew how many calories i was burning and it was bugging me,so needless to say i am glad i got that gift so now i can gauge my progress, much more cause i can put my hr monitor to my speakers and it downloads right to my computer and i can physically see the results....well thats enough babbling for now,need to get up enough strengh to go for a walk after dinner,yes walk not run cause i think my glutes are still on the treadmill then ill cool down with some yoga,just love it.......
much health,
I was so excited when tom gave me my new hr monitor(it's a polar f6) yesterday,i have a different one but it just gives my hr and that's it,i never knew how many calories i was burning or anything,my treadmill counts calories but its like most treadmills it's based on a 150lb person which i am NOT .I was shocked to see the difference in calories from my hr monitor(which i have to add my personal info like height,weight,age,etc.)to the treadmill it was like 60 cal difference the treadmill had me more.....which is an upset cause i was gauging my progress by that and add those calories up everyday for 7 days can add up to a gain YIKES.
So now i know i have to kick up my workouts to get those extra calories off,and with my hr monitor it adds all the calories from the workouts and gives the % of fat from the calories which is nice to see let me tell you lol......I think tom got tired of hearing me say i wish i knew how many calories i was burning and it was bugging me,so needless to say i am glad i got that gift so now i can gauge my progress, much more cause i can put my hr monitor to my speakers and it downloads right to my computer and i can physically see the results....well thats enough babbling for now,need to get up enough strengh to go for a walk after dinner,yes walk not run cause i think my glutes are still on the treadmill then ill cool down with some yoga,just love it.......
much health,
Well its been a sad day actually 2,i have tendonitis in my chest cavity and when i over do it my chest hurts really bad and it makes it hard for me to breathe..i had an awesome but hard workout on sunday and monday is when it started so i know it was that workout that did it.
So needless to say i didn't work out yesterday or today,well i thought i would at least try a walk on the treadmill no running and when i bent over to put on my shoes mt chest was thumping and it was hard to breathe so i didn't do anything today either......i knew i would be in a battle with myself over working out cause i only take a day off for rest,and i was surprised cause yesterday i didn't beat myself up cause i knew my body was in serious is a different story i feel like crap and i wanna go for a run it just makes me feel so much better and makes my problems seem smaller than what they were before my run.
So i think thats all i hate sitting i would rather be up moving.....sore or not there will be no 3rd day resting i will be doing a run or a fast walk it only takes a day for my medicine to kick in and when it does im good to go.
So needless to say i didn't work out yesterday or today,well i thought i would at least try a walk on the treadmill no running and when i bent over to put on my shoes mt chest was thumping and it was hard to breathe so i didn't do anything today either......i knew i would be in a battle with myself over working out cause i only take a day off for rest,and i was surprised cause yesterday i didn't beat myself up cause i knew my body was in serious is a different story i feel like crap and i wanna go for a run it just makes me feel so much better and makes my problems seem smaller than what they were before my run.
So i think thats all i hate sitting i would rather be up moving.....sore or not there will be no 3rd day resting i will be doing a run or a fast walk it only takes a day for my medicine to kick in and when it does im good to go.
Can you hear the echo
Well its another day in my life where i do the same thing,its like the echo in a canyon...same thing over and over,i had a hard time waking up this morning not sure if it was the time change,up til 1:30 which i doubt cause that never really bothers me,or my body is tired from my hard workout yesterday.
I have been running ALOT and my legs and butt are feeling it, and heres where it echos...same thing in day in and day out.....get up have coffee with breakfy wait an hour or so go workout..have my or watch tv,or computer..have my soaps....have afternoon snack.....finish soaps...then start to get dinner ready for when tom gets home at dinner and hang out...then if its a lifting day i will do it after dinner or in morning and do cardio after dinner...but either way my life is the same its just like clockwork..its pretty SAD.
I dont have any family around they all live in indianapolis,and i really dont have friends local..because 1 i dont trust easily and 2 my weight has kept me in i never wanted to go out.....but with my weightloss thats changing i like being outgoing and i'm not afraid to go out of my way to talk to people,i'm not embarassed of myself as much.
So thank GOD for myspace i met some really nice people,hopefully i will meet them all someday...i did meet karen and her family and some of her friends and they are all so nice hopefully i will go back down this summer......well thats enough babbling i got off the subject of my repititious and bring life but im ALIVE so thats all the matters.
have a good day....think ill go for a run
I have been running ALOT and my legs and butt are feeling it, and heres where it echos...same thing in day in and day out.....get up have coffee with breakfy wait an hour or so go workout..have my or watch tv,or computer..have my soaps....have afternoon snack.....finish soaps...then start to get dinner ready for when tom gets home at dinner and hang out...then if its a lifting day i will do it after dinner or in morning and do cardio after dinner...but either way my life is the same its just like clockwork..its pretty SAD.
I dont have any family around they all live in indianapolis,and i really dont have friends local..because 1 i dont trust easily and 2 my weight has kept me in i never wanted to go out.....but with my weightloss thats changing i like being outgoing and i'm not afraid to go out of my way to talk to people,i'm not embarassed of myself as much.
So thank GOD for myspace i met some really nice people,hopefully i will meet them all someday...i did meet karen and her family and some of her friends and they are all so nice hopefully i will go back down this summer......well thats enough babbling i got off the subject of my repititious and bring life but im ALIVE so thats all the matters.
have a good day....think ill go for a run
Today's blog
Well today i will write my first blog,and not much to say right now cause it's late and i'm tired
karen and i worked hard on getting it all set up,she is an absolute angel,she is so good with this stuff and me well i fell off the short bus if you know what i mean.
It's gonna be a first for me too cause when i write i never use punctuation or anything cause it takes to long and i'm always in a thats all for now folks, sleep tight everyone
karen and i worked hard on getting it all set up,she is an absolute angel,she is so good with this stuff and me well i fell off the short bus if you know what i mean.
It's gonna be a first for me too cause when i write i never use punctuation or anything cause it takes to long and i'm always in a thats all for now folks, sleep tight everyone
My New Blog
This is my new Blog.... isn't it the cutest thing you ever saw? Check back for all kinds of updates.. YAY!