Well tonight i was hungry and didnt wanna have heavy food cause im taking baby steps to kims beauty detox,even though i have been gf etc for several years but the food pairing etc is a change in itself and to add more and different kinds of greens in my diet.
So after 2second thought i was like im going to go make my first ggs,and to much to my surprise it was outstanding i cut the recipe to 1 serving but it was more than 1 lol there was plenty left over,so after i poured my first glass and stored the rest in the fridge,i drank the first and was like well the serving was supposed to be 1 so i might as well go finish it off hahahahaha SO I DID.
I'm sure you all have heard that you are never supposed to drink your calories which to a point i agree and this is the exception cause for me its hard to eat all the greens youre supposed to get in one day and with me if im hungry fruit just doesnt fill me up, so this is an easy solution get my greens,fruit and ice and its a filling healthy treat,well guys thats all for now im gonna finish my ggs and catch up on some tv...nite all
xoxox jenn